day one :: ten things you want to say to different people

1. please , be nice to me mr. blutique . (i consider him , as a person too :) so , jangan persoalkan ! hahha)

2. always , love u , in past , present till future ! mak , ayah , bangfiz , bangcik , adik :')

3. hey kau . even dah diterima , but still , aku harap kite still in "aku kau punya , kau aku punya , tapi kita tak ada apa-apa" kind of relationship . err , paham keh ? hahha =.=" (matilah aku kalau dia baca niii ~ :p)

4. ya Allah , make the wheather nice please ~ tengs :)

5. hey , kau ! tak tau kenapa , aku masih ingat , or can i say suka kau ? hahha . suka je oke ! jangan salah faham ^^

6. You’ll see, I’m better, I’m faster, Stronger, I’m happier, When u're NOT by my side :)

7. we're still friends even we're not seeing each other years ! i'm loyal rite ? hahha :')

8. semoga kau cepat sembuh bestie even tak ada ubatnya :'( aku rindu kita hang out macam dulu ~

9. sayang , tolong laa rajin ! make ur ma and pa proud ! (ini untuk diri sendiri ^^)

10. to readers :: ingat senang keh nak buat ni ??? hahha . korang try sendiri korang tau lah :)


oke , the next post yaa ! 

2 bebelan di sini:

Anonymous said...


HfztnBasri said...

ape fuyoh nye bhaiii ?